Safety and regulations

A continuous time investment
Complying with laws and regulations is a big job due to continuous changes. For most companies, it is a daily task. The smallest error can lead to millions in damages. Increasingly, we are seeing CEOs being held personally liable in the event of major incidents. Fines of more than 100.000 euros for non-compliance security are also a hot topic. That’s why we see more organizations outsourcing compliance.
Quality Mark
Can anyone take care of that? No. You want to work with an organization that is at least ISO 9001 and 27001 certified, where processes are ahead of regulations. Active information provision is of great importance in this area, because the security of your Network & Cloud infrastructure directly affects your business. Has a security incident already taken place? Then it is wise to run at a reduced capacity for a short time. You will quickly recoup this if you compare it with the consequences of a data leak.
Business continuity is crucial
Cyber attack
A commonly used method against DDoS attacks is “scrubbing”. Quanza uses the NaWas (National Scrubbing Center) of NBIP. We redirect your data to a safe environment, so your crucial servers keep running. The data is ‘cleaned’ there, so to speak. Only legitimate traffic is allowed through and meanwhile, your transactions continue to flow.
DNS attacks
Every machine on the Internet has a virtual address. This is how traffic gets to the right place. This address is stored in the address book. But what if these addresses are deliberately forged? The traffic is then redirected to a rogue system. We call this a DNS attack.
Excessive data usage
Every department within an organization has different data usage needs. In a marketing department, large files are often sent. On the other hand, it is far less common for your financial administration to send dozens of gigabytes around. A good Network & Cloud partner takes the above needs into account and regularly adjusts the limits when needed.
Some websites must never be visited from a mission-critical environment. External partners keep extensive files of these. When choosing an infrastructure partner, it is important to look for an organization that updates these kinds of lists regularly.